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Booking System

The club uses a digital booking system to create, edit and manage accommodation bookings at the lodge.  If you have any problems with this process, please contact the Booking Manager on 0408 310 552 or email  Please DO NOT text!  There is no way of recording details or sorting texts.


Accommodation bookings to stay at Technology Ski Lodge require booking through our digital booking database.  If you are a Member, Senior Member or a registered Associate Member you will be able to put in a request for booking by clicking on the link below and logging into the database.  Login and booking request entry instructions are in the PDF file below. 


No deposit is required at the time of request for a booking, but payment in full for your booking will be required within 14 days of invoicing.  Once your booking has been accepted (status will change to “tentative” then our cancellation policy applies as per our By-Laws as follows:


If a cancellation is made, there will be a forfeited fee of 20% of the accommodation charges, provided that two calendar months’ notice is given.  If less than two calendar months’ notice is given, there will be no refund.  If the booking is refilled, then a fee of 20% will apply.  These fees may be reviewed by the Board in extreme cases.


Voting members have preference up until the Annual General Meeting in March each year.  However, other bookings can be entered prior to this date, and the Booking Manager will prioritise bookings after the AGM.


From May each year, it will be possible to log in and check available booking dates during the season.

How To Use the Booking Database

The digital database booking system is available for all members, associate and junior members. Instructions for the use of the database, logging in, booking entry and member details can be found in the PDF document here:

To link directly to the Booking Database, click on the database link here:

Work Party Credits

If you are paying with work party credits – please send all of these by mail when you make your booking request, as they need to be recorded into the system before payment is due.  If you do not send them at this stage, you will be required to pay in full using Paypal when your invoice is issued.

Cost of Accommodation

The costs of accommodation are determined by general membership vote at the Annual General Meeting (with recommendations by the Board). Accommodation costs vary depending on the time of season requested, membership status and type of accommodation. Rates are based on a per diem (daily) cost. Usually bookings are taken commencing on a Saturday with departure the following Saturday. Weekend and shorter term bookings can be accepted if beds are available.


Below is a table of current Lodge accommodation rates. Note that these rates are divided into Winter and Summer seasons and then divided again depending on the time within the season. Note to Members - Charges for accommodation at Technology Ski Club are reviewed each year at the Annual General Meeting.  The rates displayed below are those to be recommended by the board at the AGM in March.





1. Note: All rates above include GST.

2. The accommodation season dates for 2024 are as detailed above.

3. For toddler rates of accommodation, please contact the Booking Manager.


4. Bookings and bed allocations are assigned by the Booking Manager. Where possible the room and bed preferences indicated on the digital Booking submitted are adhered to. Any discrepancies or bed allocation adjustments are under the control and discretion of the Booking Manager.


5. When arriving at the Lodge for accommodation, please report to the assigned Hut Captain.  No changes to bed allocation as per the bed allocation sheet posted on the Lodge noticeboard are permitted without the approval of the Booking Manager.


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